New Features - Release 1.161 - Sep 14, 2023 - More filters, faster loading, more sorting

Filter by date of payment, date of registration, package, amount paid, traveler category and status, then make a charge that much faster.

🔎TripCRM & Manage Payments
🆕 Filter by Packages, Dates + Amounts

new filters - manage payments

Search by:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Invitation Group name
  • Planner Note
  • Package

Filter by:

Date Range:

  • Registration Date
  • Booking Date (the same as Registration Date for Checkout flow)
  • Payment Date

Payment Amounts:

  • Amount Paid
    • Need to know who is overdue on the latest installment? Search for "Amount Paid < Current outstanding installment amounts"
  • Amount Owing
    • How to find out who needs a refund? Search for "Amount Owing < 0"

More than 100 people on your trip? Now you'll be able to quickly search/filter without having to wait for hundreds of people to download first; reports should load faster so you can get where you're going in less time.


Thanks to Elite Creative for supporting this feature

🔎 Do you use the Main Contact feature?
🆕 Now filter global reports by the Main Contact


Now you can filter results by the assigned Main Contact on:


Thanks to Select International for supporting this feature

👀 I see Canceled People (everywhere) 😳

No one likes to get a cancelation, but we have to manage these things. Now you can filter by "Canceled" people on:

  • TripCRM
  • Manage Payments.


CANCELED means: Status = 'Declined' but with at least one payment (they were once registered)


🆕 Send message to all members of invitation group

When sending a message or invitation from any report, you can now select to send a copy to all members the selected invitation groups.

This is really handy if you have one roommate who hasn't paid and you want all the roommates to be aware (and pressure them!)

    send copy

    Thanks to Elite Creative for supporting this feature


    😎 Popping up faster

    Certain Planner pages should be loading faster when you're managing payments, especially those popups!

    We want to hear your experience... let us know what's better and what still needs work.


    😱 KNOWN ISSUE: Split payments + Split Groups?

    • Jane and Gemma booked together and Jane paid for both
    • Now Jane wants her own room and has left the invitation group
    • But her payments aren't showing as you expect?

    We are aware of the issue and working on a fix, please open a ticket for now and we'll sort you out.

    Bug Fixes & Enhancements

    • 🐞 8420 - When the registration close date is set, do not show text about registration date. The image below shows the text that will no longer appear when the registration close date is passed.  Thanks to James from Educating Adventures for reporting 

    • 💪 8379 - Do not change the status of a traveler when making a payment from Manage Payments. This is handy if you need to apply a payment for a canceled traveler and you don't want them to become registered again. Take note if you counted on this to re-register a traveler, applying a payment will no longer change their status to REGISTERED.
    • 💪 8396 - Show the amount owing and paid in the Manage Payments table for canceled travelers - in case you need to manage cancelation fees. Previously these were showing as $0 regardless of their package/price and payments.
    • 💪 8398 - Login screen for PWL is now a solid brand color instead of a gradient, it looks so much better! Thanks to Compassion Australia team for suggesting.
    • 💪 8391 - Sort by any field in a Custom Trip Report - very handy for flight arrival reports. Thanks to Verso for supporting.