Variable Room Occupancy Package and Advanced Roommate Payment Options

Need to provide pricing per person that varies based on the number of people booking? Then you need a Variable Occupancy Pricing Package

Inventory Management



AVAILABLE PLANS: This feature can be enabled for Pluse and above clients. If you aren't ready for one of those plans, read about how to allow for single and double occupancy on your Trips.


Start out by watching this 5-min video overview of what the feature looks like on an Invoice and how to set it up





🤩 Variable Pricing based on Occupancy

USE CASE: Do you have a set inventory of rooms, for example, 12 standard rooms, and you're willing to let people occupy them as a single supplement or double occupancy? Then this feature is what you've been waiting for!

This new option is why the PRICING MODE field has been introduced. For those with this feature enabled, the option to provide a price for each level of occupancy is now shown.

When the PRICING MODE is set to

  • "Choose occupancy upon booking - priced based on occupancy"


  • This allows you to specify the MAX NUMBER OF PEOPLE that can select this PACKAGE
  • Your Travelers can then select which OCCUPANCY they prefer
  • You can then specify the PRICING for each OCCUPANCY (per person)


Example (Double Occupancy)



How it appears on Checkout Flow:

Your Traveler can select from Single or Double Occupancy and the price adjusts automatically.


Example (Quad Room)


👯 Option to 'Pay together' or 'Pay Separately' (Checkout Flow only)

  • This advanced feature will allow you to configure a PACKAGE to let one person book a room, specify the names and emails of the other people and then opt to PAY SEPARATELY.
  • YouLi will then hold the room and notify the friends they need to pay their deposits.

TIP: Works well with Variable Occupancy. If a roommate doesn't pay, remove them from the Invitation Group and the remaining group members will have their prices updated to reflect the new per-person rate.


Book together, and pay separately!

In the example below the configurable labels are:

  • Pay together - shared invoice and profiles
  • Pay separately - individual invoices, payment link will be sent to other people

When you are onboarded onto this feature - be sure to tell us what labels you prefer to ensure you Travelers understand the option.

CAUTION: Once a group is "Paying separately" they cannot then pay together. They will have to switch to each invoice to make separate payments.

COMING SOON: More control over these Invitation Groups and group payment options!


Need more help? 

Reach out to the YouLi Support Team via the chat box at the bottom of your screen or submit a Support Ticket request. If you need more advanced support, schedule a 1:1 Consulting session with one of our experts, and we will walk through Traveler flow options & best practices.