💲🛌 Price Per Night With Traveler-Selected Arrival/Departure Dates

If you want to charge a price per night based on the number of nights a Traveler is staying and/or you want to offer them the option to specify their arrival and departure dates prior to booking, this feature is for you!


AVAILABLE PLANS: This feature is available on Venture & Enterprise

What is "Price Per Night" all about?

  • Do you allow your Travelers to book early arrivals and/or late departures? 
  • If you charge a price per night based on the number of nights they are staying and you want to offer them the option to specify their ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE DATES prior to booking, look no further!
  • This feature works with CHECKOUT FLOW and includes VARIABLE OCCUPANCY.
    • It also works with the "PAY SEPARATELY" option
  • Choose to allow your Travelers to specify their PERSONALIZED DATES or keep that control to yourself.


When enabled, your Travelers will have this option on Checkout Flow

Notice how the number of nights and the price changes as the dates are changed.



Need more help? 

Reach out to the YouLi support team via a chat box at the bottom of your screen or submit a ticket request. If you need more advanced support, schedule a 1:1 Consulting session with one of our experts, as we will walk you through the features and best practices.