How-to: Share Trip Link For Socials or Book Now Button

If you need to share a Public Link to social media or add it as your call to action for a "Book Now" button on your website, use the Share Trip Link.

Why would I use the Share Trip Link?

Sharing your TRIPS publicly means you reach more potential Travelers!

Where to find the Share Trip Link


  1. On your Trip, click the SHARE TRIP LINK in the header 
  2. Click the copy icon next to the Public Link

WARNING: Do not share Magic Links, those are private and could expose personal information publicly. Only share those with the person that the Magic Link belongs to.



Book Now Button

  • If you are using your YouLi TRIP PAGE as the destination for a button labeled "Book Now" and they already know what the itinerary is, then you might want to prompt them to enter their name and email right away, before they see the rest of the Trip Page.
  • In that case, check the box: "Show registration immediately on load - use this to link from Book Now button."

  • Then copy the PUBLIC LINK and use that for the target of your Book Now button.



Need more help? 

Reach out to the YouLi Support Team via the chat box at the bottom of your screen or submit a Support Ticket request. If you need more advanced support, schedule a 1:1 Consulting session with one of our experts, and we will walk through Traveler flow options & best practices.