How-to: Lock Add-ons after checkout

Set your Add-on due date to be "Relative to Booking"

Planners can now set the Response Due Date using relative dates. Currently, apart from setting a fixed date as the Response Due Date, you can specify the number of days after booking as the response deadline.

For example, if you set the Response Due Date for an Add-On as "2 days after booking," then:

  • All travelers who are registered but haven't booked yet can still update their responses to the Add-On.
  • Travelers whose booking dates are within 2 days from the current date can still update their responses.
  • However, travelers whose booking dates are 2 days or more in the past will no longer be able to change their responses to the Add-On.

To lock Add-Ons after checkout, you can set the Response Due Date for the Add-On to "0 days after booking." This means that travelers can modify their responses before booking (before they put their registration detail and checkout), but once they’ve booked, they won’t be able to change their responses to that Add-On. Thus, locking their Add-On responses after checkout.


👉A quick tip for planners:

If a traveler asks you to change their response after the Response Due Date because they can't do it themselves, you can login to your planner account, go to your TripCRM and use the "View As" feature to see their trip page. The system will recognize you're logged in as the planner, allowing you to update their responses even after the deadline.

If you want to test whether the Add-On checkboxes are properly disabled after the due date (just like a traveler would see them), open their trip in an incognito window where you're not logged in as a planner.

🎤 How to set up an Add-On's Response Due Date as Relative Due Date

  1. Go to Manage Highlights & Itinerary
  2. Find the Highlight or Itinerary you want to setup the due date for and click Edit
  3. Scroll down to the Item Price section
  4. Make sure your Item Type is set to "Add-On: shown on invoice"
  5. If the Item Type is set to "Add-On: shown on invoice" then you should see a "Response Due Date (Inclusive)" field
  6. Click "Switch to relative due date" if you see the text underneath the date picker.
  7. Then specify the number of days.
  8. And don't forget to save changes by clicking Publish.