How-to: Add Travel Insurance Options Required at Booking (Checkout Flow only)

Booking Add-on is in LIMITED RELEASE - Sponsors only + Wanderwell Affiliates

First version released in 2.178: see release notes

We are working on a new feature to allow Planners to enable a single Mandatory Booking Add-on that can be used for:

  • Travel Insurance
  • Airport Transfers
  • Flight add-on
  • any other (but only one) add-on that requires immediate payment during booking


For example:

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 9.17.01 AM

This feature is in development, watch this video to see current functionality and see a preview of what will be released in the future.

How to Enable

Once you have the feature turned on:

  1. Change Booking Flow to one of the two Checkout Flow options
  2. Check the box to enable Booking Add-onbooking-add-on-bookings-mode-section


Q: Who gets the money for the add-on? 

A: The owner of the Trip will receive the payment for the add-on, so they are responsible for paying suppliers (like insurance providers, etc)

Q: Can the Traveler change their selection?  

A: No. They cannot, but the Planner can by clicking to EDIT the person in the TripCRM or from specialized reports under Manage Payments (coming soon)

Q: Can the Planner change the selected option?  

A: Yes! If the Planner changes the option, the price on the invoice will automatically update and the payment that was made will be applied to the remaining balance. If a refund is owed, that will show on the invoice.

Q: Can I have more than one mandatory add-on selection?

A: Only one set of options can be provided per trip, but there is no limit to the number of options. The traveler must select only one of the options

Q: Can I make this add-on optional?

A: Yes! Simply add an option like "No thanks" with the price of $0 to allow your Travelers to skip this add-on. 

Q: Can I offer different add-ons for different trips?

A: Yes! If you want them to be the same, be sure to setup the options on your trip template or copy from another trip with the right options.

Q: Do I have to specify a consent prompt?

A: Yes. You're requiring them to select something extra, be sure the terms of that extra are clear, especially if provided by a third party! We recommend linking out to their terms (these will open in a new window)


Understanding Options

When this feature is enabled for the Trip, at least one option must be configured.

Each option can be defined as:

  • Option order - move the option up in the table to change the order as it will appear on the Checkout Flow. The top option will be selected by default.
  • Option label - keep it short!
  • Option description - HTML content can include links and formatting
  • Option price - this can be zero! to give them the option to opt-out
    • This will always be in the trip currency
  • Option consent prompt - each option can have different consent, or can be the same. 
  • Status: 
    • Published - require Travelers to select from published options
    • Hidden from Public - to keep Travelers from selecting
    • Disabled - to keep Travelers and Planners from selecting


Interested in this feature? 

Reach out to the YouLi sales team to discuss when this feature is available to non-sponsors. 

Interested in becoming a feature sponsor? The YouLi sales team is happy to chat about your request and see if it qualifies.