If you are experiencing issues with the credit card payment function not showing or not working, here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot:
1. Verify Payment Option Visibility
- Ensure that the credit card option is visible when they reach the payment step during booking.
- If the payment popup appears when they click on the credit card option, the connection should be fine.
2. Check if Other Customers Are Able to Pay
- If some Travelers are able to make payments, then the issue is likely isolated to specific Traveler.
Check the ACTIVITY FEED in YouLi to see if the Traveler experiencing issue has clicked the PAY NOW button.
3. Possible Browser Issues
- Sometimes, if the browser zoom is set too high, parts of the payment form may not be visible.
- To fix this, ask the Traveler to reset the zoom on their browser (Ctrl + 0 or Cmd + 0 on Macs).
4. Ensure Credit Card Option Is Selected
- Confirm that the Traveler has selected the credit card payment option. If they haven't, the payment will not process.
5. Alternative Solution: Make a Charge
- If the customer is still having trouble and troubleshooting isn't resolving the issue, they can call you to assist with the payment.
- You can use the Make a Charge feature to process the payment on their behalf.
If you continue to experience issues or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. Asking the customer for the following details will help us identify the issue the traveler is facing:
- Device type (Phone or Computer)
- Browser used
- Whether they have successfully made a payment before
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