How-to: Change Installment Due Dates After Taking Payments

Set your Installment Due Dates based on Traveler Registration Date - Travelers who register late will not have missed payments and can make their payments at a reasonable rate. But if you want to change the due date, read on for what you can expect!

If you have received payments on a particular Installment and want to change the Installment Due Date, what will happen?


  • Changing the DUE DATE on an INSTALLMENT will change that Due Date for all unpaid Travelers registered on that TRIP.
  • Once a Traveler has already made a payment, their INVOICE will already be marked as paid for those respective INSTALLMENTS that they’ve already paid.
  • Once a Traveler makes a payment, the DUE DATE will update to the date that the payment was received

TIP: We recommend starting with DUE DATE BASED ON REGISTRATION DATE and then, as the trip gets closer, changing to a SPECIFIC DUE DATE if you need to collect payments by a certain date.


Watch YouLi's Product Expert walk you through how this will work!


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