🔍🔍🔍 Travelers can 'FIND MY TRIP'
Did you know you that purchasing VENTURE or a PREMIUM TRIP means you get your own domain instead of youli.io in your share links?
Now that feature also comes with a branded “FIND MY TRIP” for your travelers to quickly access the trips they are registered on. Now you can direct your travelers to FIND MY TRIP and have a fully branded experience.
See an example: https://trips.rareairtravel.com.au/Traveler/Login
📆📆📆 Still not sure when your trip departs?
Your trip can have many dates, toggle between them as you need.
Don't worry, you can change your dates and your Itinerary will automatically update.
- Set departure dates for multi-day trips
- Single day event with time
- Estimated dates or duration using free text
💲💲💲 Remember Refunds
We perfected how to make refunds through YouLi so it would show up on your traveler's invoice. Don't be afraid to encourage travelers to book now!
When you view your Registered Travelers via MANAGE PAYMENTS, you can refund your travel in two ways:
- To refund ANY amount: click on MANAGE in the row for the traveler, then select the option "Refund Traveler"
To refund just a single payment: Expand the payments table and then click on MANAGE to the right of the payment row, then select the option “Refund Payment”
Once selected, follow the prompts to complete the process, which also includes the standard option for an automatic email to be sent to your traveler.
Need to return a payment made by Credit Card? We lay it all out in our How to make a credit card refund?
📝📝📝 COPY TRIPS and make templates
Did you know you can easily copy trips and make templates? We’ve made it easier to discover all the options on the dashboard. Hover over the trips to see the menu and access all the copy options.
Introducing Crew Starter - The easiest way to take bookings!
Use YouLi as your branded landing pages, or integrate it into your website as the powerful extension. Activate the Mobile App, and offer extraordinary customer experience to your clients.
YouLi powers you up.
Need more help?
Reach out to the YouLi support team via a chat box at the bottom of your screen or submit a ticket request. If you need more advanced support, schedule a 1:1 Consulting session with one of our experts, as we will walk you through the features and best practices.