How-to: Test Out Your Traveler's Experience Before Launching Your Trip

It is crucial that you test out every part of your Trip before sharing it publicly or via Magic Link (if it's private). It's important to ensure that every aspect is working the way you intended.

Familiarize yourself with this button | Preview As: Registered view

CAUTION: This view does not allow you to test PAYMENTS or TASKS. You are able to see what it looks like, but you cannot fully test it. 

  • This is a shortcut to view your TRIP PAGE as a registered Traveler & it is an easy way for you to easily see what your Traveler sees, but it isn't always the best way to view through a Traveler's eyes.
  • Testing can be done by adding a test Traveler and then viewing the TRIP PAGE as that test Traveler - see below for details on this
  • Look for this button at the top of your TRIP PAGE & click it, to view it as a registered Traveler



Create a test Traveler

In order to complete tasks and make test payments, we recommend that you create a test Traveler and view as them.

  1. Go to the MANAGE PEOPLE & REPORTS tab & click ADD PERSON
    Screen Shot 2022-08-08 at 3.38.40 PM
  2. Enter any details you want for the test Traveler.

Try adding details like:

  • putting them on a specific PACKAGE

NOTE: If you want to test emails, be sure to add an email where you can view the emails that will be sent to your test Traveler.



How-to: Test your Payment process

  1. After creating a test Traveler, you can view exactly as they do by going to MANAGE PEOPLE & REPORTS and clicking the eye under actions in their name. 

2. Go to view their INVOICE. From there you can see what their experience looks like, by:

  • Choosing a new PACKAGE
  • Choosing an OPTIONAL ADD-ON to add to the INVOICE
  • Viewing the INSTALLMENTS due
  • Making a (fake) payment via bank transfer
    • If you don't have bank transfer as an option on your plan, you can create a $1 PRICING PACKAGE and make a test payment
  • Making a manual payment on their behalf  


How-to: Test Tasks 

  1. Again, repeat the first step above, to view as your test Traveler
  2. From there, go and view your test Traveler's TASK tab & experience Task functionality through your Travelers' eyes, by testing out:
  • Filling out a CUSTOM FORM (if you've built one)
  • Completing TASKS with different types (i.e. yes/no, date picker, etc.)
  • Completing a TASK which requires Planner review


How-to: Test Emails 

  1. Send yourself a test of the EMAIL that will be triggered to a Traveler when they make a pending payment
NOTE: Look for the SEND TEST EMAIL button under SHOW ADVANCED OPTIONS for all pending payment methods.


2. You are only able to send a test EMAIL to Team Members. Send as many as you need, in order to perfect your messaging. Learn more.


How-to: Delete your test Traveler

If you're concerned about having your test Traveler on your trip, once you're ready for launch, you can always delete your test Traveler after you've finished testing your Trip. 


Next steps: Publish your Trip Page

Need more help? 

Reach out to the YouLi support team via a chat box at the bottom of your screen or submit a ticket request. If you need more advanced support, schedule a 1:1 Consulting session with one of our experts, as we will walk you through the features and best practices.