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Why does my Trip Page look different on different screens?
Uplift your travelers' experience with dynamic and mobile responsive itineraries.
YouLi TRIP PAGES are designed to be "responsive" to the screen they are shown on. That means it works on all these screens with no extra work from you:
- Big desktop monitors
- Small laptop screens
- Tablets
- Mobile phone screens (mobile optimized)
In order to dynamically fit on each of these screen sizes and still look good, we use a dynamic algorithm to display either 3 highlight cards in a row or 2 (on mid-size screens) or 1 on mobile.
See the examples below and try it out yourself with your own TRIP PAGES.
Bigger Screens - 3 Cards Across
Mid-Size Screens/Tablets - 2 Cards Across
Mobile Screens - 1 Card Across
Thanks to our Ambassador, Ben Southall of Best Life Adventures, for the example Trip Page.
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