Learn to save time by managing group itineraries, booking, and workflows in ONE place.
These 3 Default Email Messages are used for sending Automated Emails or Emails triggered by Traveler actions
1. Message sent with an invitation - This will be sent when:
- An invited person requests an invitation on a PRIVATE TRIP
- The Planner clicks SEND INVITE from MANAGE PEOPLE
- A Traveler enters their email at https://youli.io
2. Message emailed after registration and shown on the TRIP PAGE until PAYMENT is made.
- This will be sent to Travelers who REGISTER, whether they do so from a PUBLIC TRIP or based on receiving an invitation email and clicking the call-to-action button in the footer.
3. Message sent if declined
- This will be sent to Travelers who decline to attend after receiving an invitation email and clicking the NO button in the footer.
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