How-to: Notify Trip Page Contacts when a Task is Completed

Do you want your Trip Contacts to know when a Task is completed? Read more to learn how.

Notify Trip Contacts when a Task is completed

You have the option for notifying Trip Page Contacts when a Task is completed: 

  2. Edit/create a new TASK
    notify trip contacts
  4. SAVE

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As a Planner, when you're adding or editing a Task, you'll be prompted to select if the Task should notify the Trip Page Contacts on the Trip.

When enabled, emails will be sent to the Trip Page Contact every time this Task is completed.

By default, Tasks do NOT notify when they are completed. And this is correct for MOST tasks. Otherwise, the Trip Page Contacts may be overwhelmed by email. 


So WHEN should you enable this feature?

1. Is Require Planner Review enabled for this Task?

2. Is it important for your Trip Planners to know as soon when a certain Task is completed?

NOTE: If there are 30 travelers registered on trip, up to 30 emails could be sent. So make sure that is necessary. 


How does it work for the Traveler?

Nothing is different for them. They will not know that an alert has been sent. This feature is for you as the Planner. It is to help you be aware of what is going on throughout your trip. 


How does it work for the Planner?

Simply check the box when setting up the Task. This can be changed at any time to enable or disable. So if you realize it is to many emails, you can turn it off. Or if you realize you are missing important task completions that need your approval, you can turn it on. 


What does the email look like to the Planner?

Again, this email only goes to you as the planner. It is to help you manage your travelers tasks & to keep you up to date on the activity of your trip. 

Here is an example email: 

EXAMPLE sent to the Planner "Jennifer Fein" when the Traveler "Tania McArthur" completed a Task "Book Travel Insurance" on trip "Launching place":


You can always add yourself to the trip and act like a traveler to see a real example. The email template that is used always uses your logo and the trip banner, then the details of the trip, the task name, your reply and the original response.

Again, no action is required unless the Task has Require Planner Review enabled.